This question of... "Is it possible to change my twin flame soul contract?" is one that I get asked quite often, especially when some realizes that karma does not seem to be on their side.
Soul contracts are usually what our soul needs to go through and process in this lifetime, especially when you have accumulated energy from previous lives.
The best thing to be able to circumvent your karma is to get chakra cleanses, and have your DNA templated into this lifetime again.
Often times, before our cleanse, we need to be able to go through our specific karmic missions to be able to go through what lessons we need to learn in order to have a cleanse.
Most people will never break out of their soul contracts especially because they are not spiritually aware, and they feel trapped and stuck without doing any type of spiritual cleansing.
What people don't understand is that it is not just the physical body that needs cleaning, there are so many levels of the bodies that you need to clean. You can be able to use reset templating without actually removing any of your good parts of your soul contract, and you can eradicate anything negative that will come to you.
So is there any reason that people do not do more of this, especially when it comes to having a clean slate to begin over?
The best thing to do is allow someone's karma to play out, especially when it comes to their contract, because they do not have the spiritual knowledge to change it moving forward.
Unfortunately, not all souls are all that evolved to be able to have the power to do right in this lifetime. So the answer to the question on which this article is based is a cross between a yes and a no, especially when you are spiritual, and you do indeed have the power to change over your contract.
It is unfortunate that most people do not know the power of a soul contract, and run through life blindly without even stopping to think that a lot of the people that they think they are in love with, are severely toxic for them and will not serve them in any shape or form, especially not in this lifetime.
Soul contracts are very easy to manipulate by an energy practitioner, especially if there is something negative in your chart that needs to be simplified and removed. So remember that not everything is set in stone and if you are aware of your soul karmic ties, you can definitely remove them and lead a happier and more joyous life.
The follow up question that I often get is…
Since the twin flame concept is based on destiny -- how can everything not be set in stone?
When we begin to look at life away from linear time based idea, and understand that our soul lives in many different planes and dimensions, then we will see how free-will and destiny can co-exist in duality within us.
What this means is that the universe is not linear. It goes beyond the concept of time, and within it’s dimensions it can make so many things (the past, present, and future) happen simultaneously. This is why some people are able to look into the future – because they are able to tap into visions of things that are occurring at that moment but in a different dimension.
Destiny is not set in stone because it has options.
Destiny has options to express it’s desired outcome in different ways and not just literally one way by which we see things.
Let me give you an example:
A few years back I had a terrible dream of this accident happening. The dream was so strong that it literally made me jump up from my sleep. I won’t describe here much of what that dream was about, I’ll leave that for later, but let’s just say it was a terrible accident. It was so bad that I decided not to go down that particular street that day after the dream. But to my amazement, the next street that I decided to take… that’s where this accident occurred. Many fine details from the dream now became true before my eyes, and it left me without a shadow of a doubt that me witnessing this was part of my destiny. This changed the way I viewed things, and I was no longer so much a skeptic when it came to dream premonitions.
My personal opinion is that destiny can morph in many different ways, and different actions can happen in real life (such as a different street where it takes place), yet it will find a way to process the same energy is destined to process
Also, just because it doesn’t happen this week, this month, or this year, it does not mean something is not destined to happen. I think too many people are in such a rush for things to happen that they end up making the process take longer than it should.
When you relax, accept your journey, and move to shine that journey with positive light, then you are opening doors for good things within your destiny to come forth.
I don’t believe that destiny means that things are set in stone. Destiny is simply a foresight of what will eventually happen when those energies collide. We might not be able to change it in some ways… but we are able to change the energy within ourselves, and allow that to reflect within the energy of our twin flame.
So my last thought is that instead of wanting to see if you can change your twin flame soul contract, or change who your twin flame is… why not instead work on yourself, so that you may shine light in others journeys?
If you want any sort of change to occur… begin with your inner self. Allow it to ascend and help others out. Be humble and share that humility with others.
Instead of talking about your inner feelings… why not talk about someone else’s feelings?
Reflection of our own personal light unto others, and giving good energy to others, will help sync your spirit with the universe, and that of your twin flame much faster than simply continuing to “wish” and just worry about yourself.
Let go, and transcend beyond your living body into an universal body in which soul contracts are nothing to worry about
Love is within you already. Share it with others and show them how to be humble, open, and bring light to the universe. You will see the universe begin to respond to your questions.