Do you know what it is? ...
The type of relationship that a twin flame desires from the spirit is someone who is very open, loving and honest, but that's not the main one thing...
What is interesting is that before someone knows they are a twin flame, they often jump from one partner to the other because they lack real clarity on what they are looking to achieve in terms of a relationship.
An awakened twin flame is someone that is looking for oneness in their relationship, somewhere where they are deeply loved and unconditionally accepted, no matter what happens.
Once you have accepted the beautiful taste of your twin, it becomes borderline impossible to return to a “normal” relationship.
What is interesting is that you may be able to settle down with a soul mate because a twin flame relationship may be a little too turbulent at this point.
When you act detached, your twin flame senses this energetically and wants to run more and more towards you. It is incredible how one twin can mentally shout for them to be left alone, and the other twin flame calls or sends a message at that very time asking if you are okay.
One time this happened to me. I was shouting at my twin to leave me alone, and my twin messaged inquiring if I was doing okay.
A lot of the times, the runner twin flame is quite worried and panicked when they get in touch, desperately wanting the reassurance that you do still love them as much as they love you.
The more you are grounded in your own energy, the more you feel your twin flame will get in touch with you, because your twin flame’s spirit or higher self will be pushing them to contact you to feel the connection again.
Your twin flame is always wondering what you are thinking of them, and as my twin flame said “I always am concerned how you see me and I want to present myself in the best light to you. It matters what you think of me”.
My twin flame always hops in and out of my thoughts randomly, and I know at that very time my twin is thinking of me. I know this to be true because psychically, I always know when someone is thinking of me as they hop into my mind and I am very aware of knowing that I am going to hear from them in some form of contact.
A lot of people think that just because their twin flame is not in contact with them, it may be the case of their twin not thinking of them. Over the period of time I have known my own twin flame, I can definitely guarantee this as falsehood as you are always on your twin flame’s mind. I am often surprised how many times I think about my own twin with absolutely no prompt, and see my twin practically in everything and everywhere I go.
I agree that it takes courage and strength to look beyond so many thoughts that boggle us down – such as nagging and pervading thoughts that our twin has forgotten about us, or that they can’t possibly want anything to do with us.
Look over the whole paradigm of the twin flame union…
Our twin flame is an extension of us – the good and the bad. Therefore no matter how much we think that we might not be worthy of our twin or that perhaps we are not there yet… realize that your twin flame union is not just about this one moment of where you might find yourself. Your twin flame union is about an eternal thread in which you will go through many ups and downs – and so will your twin flame… because that vibrant energy of a soul is a part of you. Yet, in a universal way, each twin gives strength to the other to carry on… even if the other twin might not look as being fully supportive or even understanding.
It is the flame within us that makes our twin spark… and beyond this moment, our twin will one day make us spark when we need… it’s all energy that travels in the universe, and it’s energy that belongs to us because it is a part of us.
So it can be said that the number one thing that a twin flame desires is to transcend from being a mere reflection of us and the merging into a home that they once knew... a home within us. A spirit of one that only another twin flame can offer.